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burque luv volume three
Alchemical Burn, Death Will Be Digital, deep smear, Digital Epilepsy, Diverje, efesar, fear studios, greatFox, inerex, Novemdecillion, Perpetual Interference, shoestring cowboy, terrorstate, thanatophobia, zamchowa
album: burque luv volume onealbum: burque luv volume twoalbum: burque luv volume threealbum: burque luv volume fouralbum: burque luv volume five [left]album: burque luv volume five [right]
This album was added to our database on January 6, 2002, and the album's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this album's information up to date. This page has been viewed 14583 time(s).
Play all the songs on "burque luv volume three"
albuquerque's synthetic, electronic & industrial music
August 31st, 2001
published by fear studios (albuquerque, new mexico, usa).
[Welcome to Fear Studios] * [fear@fearstudios.com]
all audio and images are copyrighted. all rights reserved. all songs and images used by permission. this promo is not intended for resale. help support local musicians by visiting their websites and by sending email. made in canada.
***The Daily Lobo***
[main.cfm @ www.dailylobo.com in /]
1 torchlight needles [burque luv three]
2 residual resuscitation [burque luv three]
3 zekit [burque luv three]
4 black inside [burque luv three]
5 like that [burque luv three]
6 no time for shopping [burque luv three]
7 artifact [burque luv three]
8 indika [burque luv three]
9 reflection [burque luv three]
10 amnesia [burque luv three]
11 i seem to like it this way [burque luv three]
12 godless child [burque luv three]
13 pussy hop [burque luv three]
14 reject [babel-17 remix] [burque luv three]
15 slappin whappin yellow belly bitchball [burque luv three]
4 comment(s)
heh heh heh ... Tengo un copy solemente! PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTH... actually that's sad because this one is hot too... But at least I hve it (by Cheshire 19 years ago)
I have actually seen a copy of this CD, but the likelihood that I could actually obtain one seems quite slim. It would be cool to do a DVD release of all of the BL compilations someday... (by Sindrone 20 years ago)
Hey, thanks for the fix up!...I was a bit lost...Still am but doing my best -k (by LiqueFaction 21 years ago)
Goddamn! I still Luv this Fuc%ing Album! All the time with the CD pl@y3r! (by Cheshire 21 years ago)
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