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burque luv volume two
ambiosis, deep smear, Diverje, efesar, fear studios, greatFox, Stigmata Defined, stillbirth, thanatophobia
album: burque luv volume onealbum: burque luv volume twoalbum: burque luv volume threealbum: burque luv volume fouralbum: burque luv volume five [left]album: burque luv volume five [right]
This album was added to our database on January 6, 2002, and the album's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this album's information up to date. This page has been viewed 15289 time(s).
Play all the songs on "burque luv volume two"
another chapter in local abrasion
April 1st, 2001
published by fear studios (albuquerque, new mexico, usa).
[Welcome to Fear Studios] * [fear@fearstudios.com]
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1 enter the fucko [burque luv two]
2 synapscism [burque luv two]
3 disconnect [pain station remix] [burque luv two]
4 slave [semiv0x] [burque luv two]
5 pussy hut [burque luv two]
6 jad [burque luv two]
7 disregard [instrumental] [burque luv two]
8 found it [burque luv two]
9 train [burque luv two]
10 lack of music [burque luv two]
11 on skin [burque luv two]
12 ashes ashes [falling down mix] [burque luv two]
13 stoned [burque luv two]
14 omano [burque luv two]
7 comment(s)
Brag a little why doncha! (by Cheshire 18 years ago)
Really... where did you find a copy? I dont even have BL1... (by Cheshire 19 years ago)
Where did you find a real copy? (by efesar 19 years ago)
i've got it! i have them all! (by botkiller 19 years ago)
There were 100 copies made instead of 40. (by efesar 19 years ago)
I can't believe that Diverje is on this. Absolutely amazing. THis has got to be almost as rare of a find as BL1... (by Sindrone 20 years ago)
THi$ albUm giv3$ me $0m3 $3r10u$ 3m0+10n$ ! I will luv thi$ sh1+ 4-ever! (by Cheshire 21 years ago)
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