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the somnambulists dream
[efesar.34623969 @ www.cafepress.com in /]
This album was added to our database on August 4, 2002, and the album's information was last updated 14 years ago. efesar is responsible for keeping this album's information up to date. This page has been viewed 5153 time(s).
Play all the songs on "the somnambulists dream"
efesar expands into the realm of hypnotic and abstract while still maintaining the recognizable style that defines his music.
November 13th, 2006
written and performed by efesar.
1 eleventy three
2 epiphany
3 rose
4 the somnambulists dream
5 concrete
6 beyond repair
7 do what i please
8 fuck
9 love and war
10 suffering daisy
11 batholith
12 night sweat
13 things i cant have
14 pillows of stone
15 epiphany [feedscaped]
18 comment(s)
Jesus Krist Kay... "Yet again..." everybody else has said it already so... "Yet again, another 'release'" Thank you for it. (by Cheshire 18 years ago)
Kewl!!! Can't wait. The funny thing about this is that I had actually downloaded the song "epiphany" onto my i-Pod about a year ago, and I thought it was an awesome song. I would listen to it over and over, as I rode the "EL" trains to work in the Chicago Loop - never knowing that this music was from someone in my hometown. Just gotta say - good sound!!! Stay well - man!!! (by casden1 18 years ago)
Thanks. Yeah. In ABQ. I'll get it up on CafePress. I've been dilly-dallying with the artwork. (by efesar 18 years ago)
Oops! Not a band - but an "artist!!!!" (by casden1 18 years ago)
OK - I live in Chicago now, but I used to live in ABQ. Is this kick ass band from ABQ??!! This CD is fuckin' awesome. Gotta getit!!! (by casden1 18 years ago)
i'm dling now, I'll listen to them a few times and see what kind of review I can come up with... (by SCG 19 years ago)
this some bad ass tunes..........
I like some better than others though tracks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, are way beterr.......
(by ColoKid 19 years ago)
i'm trying to give a detailed review for each song about how the music made me feal and what in the music made me feal that way but i'm running into some dificulties due to lack of terms(my vocabulary) that i dont know to help me explain to you these details but i'll eventually finish them.
Your music is amazing and saddens me because i did not know about it sooner.
(by special21 19 years ago)
thanks ... i'm ready for the reviews!!!! (by efesar 19 years ago)
yep, i'll have some feedback as soon as well, your review got delayed due to three of the tracks got the "you listen to this song too many times..." , so I had to wait till the next day. So far sounds good! (by daden242 19 years ago)
im ready for it... i should have some feedback soon! (by v0sh 19 years ago)
I will be uploading the tracks to CafePress as soon as they last few songs are done. They are slightly higher quality compared to the old MP3.COM DAM CDs, plus they have custom printing on the CD's ... (by efesar 19 years ago)
mmm its been nice going over the older stuff you've posted.. but i really want a hard copy of this one.. (by v0sh 19 years ago)
Not that it matters much, but it is getting closer. (by efesar 19 years ago)
it's a coming. it's a coming. just a few more months. (by efesar 20 years ago)
I want this cd too. I have such a long list of cd's I need to get... This is one of the top five. (by DJMyke 21 years ago)
Me too can't wait (by girlsfightthepower 21 years ago)
fuck yeh dude i want
(by v0sh 22 years ago)
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