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burque luv volume five [left]
Autopoesis, brian botkiller, Decipher Machine, efesar, Elu, greatFox, Illyria, kobold, lucid, Noir Effect, random access memory, Suicide Girl, The Blacklight Zebras., The Echoing Green, yellow #5, zeRohEro
album: burque luv volume onealbum: burque luv volume twoalbum: burque luv volume threealbum: burque luv volume fouralbum: burque luv volume five [left]album: burque luv volume five [right]
This album was added to our database on July 29, 2003, and the album's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this album's information up to date. This page has been viewed 15550 time(s).
Play all the songs on "burque luv volume five [left]"
[bl5.php @ www.fearstudios.com in /burqueluv]
August 20th, 2003
1 shirinaka [burque luv five left]
2 shades of zero [burque luv five left]
3 pulse code [burque luv five left]
4 skin [burque luv five left]
5 konigsberg express [burque luv five left]
6 can i be so very kind [burque luv five left]
7 boys [burque luv five left]
8 soundsystem [burque luv five left]
9 fallen short [instrumental] [burque luv five left]
10 won't last long [burque luv five left]
11 blind [burque luv five left]
12 human cages [burque luv five left]
13 driven [burque luv five left]
14 untitled #3 [burque luv five left]
15 ultraviolets [burque luv five left]
16 epiphany [burque luv five left]
4 comment(s)
The release party (@ Pulse Night Club) for this comp was so much fun... It was a great time i'll never forget. (by Sindrone 20 years ago)
i also have some copies, if you are in need of one. email [botkiller@yahoo.com] (by botkiller 21 years ago)
i've got some left... email [scg@warmthrillofconfusion.com] if you're still interested (by SCG 21 years ago)
How do I order a copy? Will it be on MP3? (by girlsfightthepower 21 years ago)
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