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burque luv volume four
ce:naap [ .robot.bombers. ], Death Will Be Digital, Diedblue, Distorted Frequency, D.J. Giant, efesar, greatFox, Illyria, images of voices, leiahdorus, Point B, terrorstate, thanatophobia, The Echoing Green, The Pearson Situation, Versaille's Suicide, zamchowa
album: burque luv volume onealbum: burque luv volume twoalbum: burque luv volume threealbum: burque luv volume fouralbum: burque luv volume five [left]album: burque luv volume five [right]
This album was added to our database on January 8, 2002, and the album's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this album's information up to date. This page has been viewed 16396 time(s).
Play all the songs on "burque luv volume four"
A Sampler of Electronic Music
April 19th, 2002
Cover Art by Isaiah Rodriguez of Moaiz @ [moaiz.com is almost here!] Inlay art by Ash Wednesday.
Retailers, distributors and promoters - get free promo copies. Release parties of April 20th, 25th, and 27th. Contact us for marketing, shows and bookings related to Burque Luv Volume Four!
1 afraid of technology [burque luv four]
2 rott wood [burque luv four]
3 schizophrenia [instrumental] [burque luv four]
4 at last [edit] [burque luv four]
5 stars [edit] [burque luv four]
6 dispatch [burque luv four]
7 light infusion [burque luv four]
8 thorn [instrumental] [burque luv four]
9 xing [burque luv four]
10 abandon [burque luv four]
11 epiphany [burque luv four]
12 from the way back [burque luv four]
13 call me names [edit] [burque luv four]
14 doppelganger [edit] [burque luv four]
15 x-ray [world eclipsed] [burque luv four]
16 little dead kitten [burque luv four]
17 the2nd [burque luv four]
5 comment(s)
yeah it iz !!! (by Cheshire 19 years ago)
The cover art on this cd is so damn cool... (by Sindrone 20 years ago)
This release is when I came into the picture. I'm not on it, but I was aware of it's release. Can't believe there were 3 release parties for it! (by Sindrone 20 years ago)
+h3r3Z @ r3@$0n +h!$ @L8uM w0n+ g0 @w@y! ch3c% y3r 3@rz. Y0uLL $33 ! (by Cheshire 21 years ago)
thanks to all the musicians who appeared on this album! (by efesar 22 years ago)
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