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against all odds - cd single
brian botkiller
Also check out [ @ www.brianbotkiller.com in ]
This album was added to our database on February 8, 2004, and the album's information was last updated 17 years ago. botkiller is responsible for keeping this album's information up to date. This page has been viewed 3387 time(s).
Against all odds - the new song from brian botkiller, on CD single. Nu breaks mixed with symphonic goodness.

1. against all odds - original version
2. against all odds - edit
February 8th, 2004
brian botkiller - everything.
It took me nearly 4 months to correctly write this song. It started as a simple nu breaks song, and moved into a symphonic trip that spans most every emotion I wanted to put into the song. It is, by far, my favorite song I have written as of late.
none yet... please listen and give me a review!
4 comment(s)
Botkisser RULEZ! ... er wait... killer, KillER... Bot-KILLER rulz! (heh heh heh) Sky has and (in my opinion) always been a power tune of yourz. (by Cheshire 18 years ago)
i want one too... but i still want the sky!!!!!!!! (by SCG 21 years ago)
it will be officially released soon, if you are interested in a copy Myke... (by botkiller 21 years ago)
WHEE!!! I must have this... (by DJMyke 21 years ago)
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