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Tech Reference by efesar
Wednesday February 4, 2004

How are MP3s ranked on this site?
There have been some questions about how the ranking system for burque.info radio works, and why. Hopefully, this will answer some of the questions.

Most Popular MP3s

These MP3s are the ones that get listened to the most. Each MP3's chart position
is calculated based on the number of listens.

All Time Most Popular MP3s

These MP3s are similar to Most Popular MP3s, except that the ranks are calculated based on the number of average listens for all time.

Highest Ranked MP3s

On this website, people can vote for how they like an MP3. The ranking system is completely subjective.

It occurred to me that I could split the ranks into "best technical ability" and other categories. However, that would make the voting system too complex so I decided not to implement it that way.

Favorite MP3s

This category is approximately a combination of Most Popular MP3s and Highest Ranked MP3s. Basically, I order the MP3 by how many times it was listened to over the last 9 days, and then weigh it according to how high it is ranked (by vote) for all time.

This is the default burque.info radio stream. It provides an objective and subjective framework to balance the radio stream.

All Time Favorite MP3s

This is exactly like Favorite MP3s, except that instead of using the last 9 days of listens, I use the number of listens each MP3 has for all time.

New MP3s

These MP3s are new on the scene. They were just recently uploaded, and they may deserve your attention!

Forgotton MP3s

Nobody has listened to these MP3s in at least 10 days. They are ordered by the least listened to first. Hopefully they will get a new lease on life.

Lo-Fi, Hi-Fi, Downloads

Lo-Fi is a 32Kbps mono streaming MP3, mainly for dialup users.

Hi-Fi is an 80Kbps (tentative) stereo streaming MP3, mainly for broadband users.

Download's are in the original MP3 format, exactly how they were uploaded. For instance, a user may have uploaded a song at 256Kbps, and that's exactly what you'll get when you download it.

Each guest or registered user can listen to or download an MP3 up to three times in a 24 hour period. However, only one attempt counts to rank the MP3. It does not matter if the listen or download was a lo-fi stream, hi-fi stream or download.


Each registered voter is allowed to cast one vote for an MP3. The voting scale is a numerical value between 0 and 6 (inclusive), with 0 being the worst and 6 being the best.

If you are not a registered user, you cannot cast a vote for a MP3. You may register your account here.

A registered user is allowed to vote for his/her own MP3.


There is no perfect system on the internet to prevent gaming. Gaming means that you work to artificially inflate the rank of your MP3. Several things can be construed as gaming:

  • Listening to/downloading your own MP3 more than once a day/seven times a week.
  • Having a friend Listen to/download your MP3 more than once a day/seven times a week.
  • Having an anonymous person listen to/download your MP3 more than once a day/seven times a week.
  • Having a flood of people not usually associated with our website listen to your MP3.

There are many other things not on this list that can be considered gaming. We do not allow gaming on this site. If the system does not catch you gaming, then a person will. We reserve the right to delete your song, reset your stats, and cancel your account.

5 comment(s)
No, there's no way to find out which user rated you. (by efesar 18 years ago)
Is there a way to find out which user RATED you? (by projectone 19 years ago)
'tis the bomb, fersure! (by botkiller 20 years ago)
wow, kay, this is taking shape well! (by v0sh 20 years ago)
Some of this information is not yet implemented yet, but it will be soon. (by efesar 20 years ago)
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This article was added to our database on February 4, 2004, and the article's information was last updated 20 years ago. efesar is responsible for keeping this article's information up to date. This page has been viewed 9487 time(s).
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