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brian botkiller
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brian botkiller
Albuquerque, NM
Fwank! Music

6/8/07 - Lots of new songs posted here. See my song listing!

song: Communication

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[479109899 @ rocksquawk.com in /eve/ubb.x/a/frm/f]

This band was added to our database on August 20, 2002, and the band's information was last updated 15 years ago. botkiller is responsible for keeping this band's information up to date. This page has been viewed 25992 time(s).
19 comment(s)
hehehe, well I finally got two in the bag! they'll both be here soon! (by botkiller 19 years ago)
I know you actually write songs ... you're just holding out on us -- keeping it all to yourself. Bastard! JK. (by efesar 19 years ago)
thanks, too bad I never write new songs. (by botkiller 19 years ago)
dude this guy fucking jamzzzzzzzzzz (by lysergic 19 years ago)
gimme hat now! (by cheii 19 years ago)
DAMNIT MAN!!! Your voice is all crazy-cool! heh.. I need to hear your cover of born slippy again... (by DJMyke 20 years ago)
thanks man, someday i'll have something that means a shit.

your support is one of the things that keeps me going though, so thanks to all!
(by botkiller 20 years ago)
the Rockin Rollers set was phenominal - i am really digging the additions and sample intros you are working with!! (by v0sh 20 years ago)
ha! thnx bro.... (by botkiller 20 years ago)
JESUS MAN!!! Dude, your music is cool enough that people would like it... chill... anyone that say's it's not good, or don't express enough want/like/need for it... we'll kick their ass... heh... (by DJMyke 20 years ago)
I think i'll just start beating my fuckin' head on my keyboards and record that... that would probably get me more interest in my music than what I do now (by botkiller 20 years ago)
space ghost? he is the bomb... (by botkiller 21 years ago)
Heh,heh. .....Yeah. Space Ghost is ill. (by Potential Ghost 21 years ago)
heh... don't think so, I think that regular bands (a la junk dro) gave up on me (by botkiller 21 years ago)
Did you give-up, and decide to go solo? (by Potential Ghost 21 years ago)
mad propz dawg... wen u gonna drive all the fucken way to burque to party, yo? (by v0sh 21 years ago)
heh (by botkiller 21 years ago)
I PITY DA FOO WHO DON'T GIVE BOTKILLA DA PROPS!!!! (by c0ldfire 21 years ago)
whee! (by botkiller 22 years ago)
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