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The Blacklight Zebras.
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The Blacklight Zebras.
Albuquerque, NM
Teknobunker /+ Viral Beat Tribe

This band was added to our database on April 17, 2002, and the band's information was last updated 17 years ago. zebra is responsible for keeping this band's information up to date. This page has been viewed 24866 time(s).
Play all of The Blacklight Zebras.'s songs.
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"Ultraviolet Pilot"

credits: Written and performed by zebra<r.cook>
Recorded @ Fear Studios_Albuquerque by Keith w.
c. 2003 4m 6s 5.6MB 192Kbps
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"Expanded Sense of Sky"

credits: All music written and performed by r . cook @ Fear Studios_Albuquerque, 2003. Engineering, mixing, edited by k . woodell @ Fear Studios_Albuquerque
c. 2003 6m 58s 8.2MB 192Kbps
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for a few years there i always thought this was my best track. performed it at pulse for the burque luv cd release party and i think thats one of the highlights of my musical career, hundreds of kids goin nuts, and iz freakin out gettin down. whew* this one came from the same batch as animal, same time frame and method. you can hear the fruity c_kick, threw down a bassline and the rest is pretty much just jammin'. cool edit pro. not much editing really or mastering. no sequencing. all live keys. korg ms2000.

c. 2003 5m 19s 7.3MB 192Kbps
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"Zebra In Zoo"
underground . unknown
zebra . code . trip

c. 2004 7m 39s 9.2MB 192Kbps
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"ultraviolets [burque luv five left]"
[burque luv five left]

burque luv volume five [left]
c. 2003 5m 6s 6.6MB 181Kbps

4 vote(s).
"Walking on the cieling."
Psychedelic, progressive-EBM

Featuring vox by Necrophoria(Xiphoid Process).

credits: All lyrics and vocals by Xiphoid Process. All music and
performance by The Blacklight Zebras.
c. 2005 7m 3s 9.7MB 192Kbps

2 vote(s).
2006. probably the best track i have ever written. all around. my best mixing and playing definitely. if i was locked in a room for hours a day tweaking synths and logic this is what i would write. the moai bass lead idea i started doing all the way back on ultraviolet pilot comes full circle in my playing on this track merging with the new psytrance influence. oddly though, this still is not a psytrance track. it has rave elements, psy, and more laid back trance and psychedelic rhythm in the main riff. and the second part that comes in is more industrial arp. robin the hood and givin' to the floor! virus, LE7, coffee, bushmills.

c. 2006 7m 39s 9.1MB 192Kbps

1 vote(s).
"untitled house track"
access virus, LE7. 2006. just jammin, movin on to a better place in life. coffee. messin around with a house beat. the coffee is completely responsible. but still some of my better layering/collage handy dandy.

c. 2006 5m 18s 7.3MB 192Kbps

2 vote(s).
"Dream Sequence"
Unfinished. Scraps from 2006. An unfinished idea. but i always loved this riff, and it is technically one of my best. just thought it might be some inspiration to someone else. feed the machine. some day ill get some ritalin, and quit my pidlin'.

credits: r. cook
c. 2007 3m 6s 4.3MB 192Kbps
No votes.
2003 performed and recorded live at Teknobunker

c. 2003 6m 52s 8.1MB 192Kbps
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credits: zebra
c. 2004 6m 8s 8.4MB 192Kbps

1 vote(s).
"Fil Metallique"
Track off of ep with the same name.

credits: zebra
c. 2007 6m 54s 8.1MB 192Kbps
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This track was inspired by an old RAM track i was thinking about at the time. Started in with the basic progression and developed more into its own direction. access virus, le7, 1ghz powermac. 2006 blacklight zebras

c. 2007 4m 58s 5.5MB 192Kbps

1 vote(s).
"Bar Meat"
One of my heaviest tracks. 2006. Definitely this track is the product of some pretty dark and angry times. Malicious really. it skips a few times because im using a demo of izotope mastering software im too ghetto to afford. so i ripped it with the skips. access virus, LE7, korg electribe(the blue one with the valves). i think i recorded this while i was couch surfing at sindrones pad. yeh, i definitely did, thats his korg in there.

c. 2008 5m 12s 7.2MB 192Kbps
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Wrote this one right around burque luv 5? went through a phase there of a real particular sound using korg ms2000 and fruity loops to lay down beats then overdubbed in cool edit pro. main synths are a little off, not sequenced, all live, a little sloppy. my mastering wasn't very good. pretty much just plug in and record and bam! goodness sakes, hot cakes!

c. 2008 5m 29s 7.5MB 192Kbps

1 vote(s).
2006. definitely i was in a bad space when i wrote this. but on the verge of merging into a brighter space. kind of reminiscent of the death of me and spiritually starved and completely hollow. time to grow up. and stand up. and wake up. and face reality. access virus, LE7

c. 2008 5m 8s 7.1MB 192Kbps
No votes.
"Evertain-blacklight zebras vs. zamchowa"
me and chris threw this one down after work one day. korg microkorg, yamaha rm1x, cool edit pro. i had no idea how to use cool edit at the time, but i think we were having technical difficulties with the recording so we recorded to cassette or something? there is also a guitar version.

credits: c.purcell(vox)/r.cook
c. 2008 4m 59s 5.5MB 192Kbps
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Another 2006 track. pretty manic, lots of coffee. this is what happens when i listen to hocico. i pretty much ripped off the opening arpeggio style and the rest is his story.. the middle leads are more a psy-trance influenced technique i seemed to be developing in my playin more and more. i call it moai. cause it sounds like moai flying around in my crazy head. very monolithic kind of thing. and lots of out of control rabbit in there too just jammin. wanted to see how low the virus could go too and still make sense. so there it is. manic jamming. access virus, LE7.

c. 2008 6m 50s 8.0MB 192Kbps
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"House Cleaning"
House cleaning.. what is this track? undoubtedly inspired and assimilated from industrial/synthpop scene influence. just another 2006 jam that i never finished. im sure lots of coffee was involved here too. acces virus, LE7. the kick hurts my ears but i generally like the main progression. my playing and engineering opened up quite a bit in 05-06. and i can hear a little orbital-halcyon in there too. i was actually cleaning houses for a living when i wrote this so i think it does kind of express the general feeling that surrounded that job and time for me.

c. 2008 5m 9s 7.1MB 192Kbps
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"untitled 2003"
wrote this track right around oscillation. back when i was using only the yamaha rm1x sequencer. this was recorded directly into a tascam cd burner. pretty excellent quality and level considering there was no recording software or mastering. back when i was doing a bit with the yamaha flute pads. that was one of my favorite things about that box was the flute pad. one of my stronger, earlier tracks.

c. 2008 7m 30s 8.9MB 192Kbps
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"untitled 2004"
all garageband here. and a midi board. i was really just getting into computer sequencing and soft synths, exploring testing things out. this is just real basic, somethin i threw down while i was gettin' schooled in many ways. was just getting into apple computers and didn't have any real gear at the time.

c. 2008 4m 23s 6.0MB 192Kbps
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"untitled 06.2"
one of my favs from this time. access virus, LE7. i was in very bad shape personally and thats why this track is soo good, for being mine. personal relationship failures and general darkness found me tweaking synth and logic for hours in the dark. i was listening to almost exclusively mind in a box. and thats why this could almost be a mind in a box track. i wasn't trying to rip them off, its just how i was feeling. that tight bass lead with the twisted reverb is probably influenced by depeche mode. but thats just how i regurgitate things i listen to i guess. then it goes into a stevie nicks, car commercial feel when the bass lead double times. very car commercial.

c. 2008 6m 5s 8.4MB 192Kbps
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