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Santa Fe, NM |
Unclassified |
Dread Pirate Records |
This band was added to our database on January 8, 2005,
and the band's information was last updated 19 years ago.
is responsible for keeping this band's information up to date. This page
has been viewed 8174 time(s). |
This band/DJ has not uploaded any MP3 files.
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Everything we listen to... which is a lot of music. |
Formed in 2004 as the Musician's co-operative out of Warehouse 21 in Santa Fe NM, we gave ourselves the name Red Letter Records and released our first CD at the beginning of 2005. Soon after, we decided to change our name (both of choice and circumstance), and now are known as Dread Pirate Records. |
Brian-Head of operations, marketing, production.
Elektra-Head of business Operations, marketing, production.
Carlos or "Los"-Art Direction, band relations, production.
Steve-Band Relations, promotions, production.
The four of us each have a deep knowledge of the music scene both in our little town and outside of it. We are musicians, artists, hard workers and friends. We're working to create an Independent Record label that will be able to support the bands on it and ourselves. This is what we want to do with our lives. Who's gonna stop us?? |