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urban simpsons

"the simpsons burque style-brown & drugged"
(225 x 300 - JPG - 15kB)
urban simpsons in Culture
This is a grafitti "mural" located in the alley just south of Central off of ash. The building is home to some business offices of an albuquerque radio station. Kudos to the owners for letting this be there!
This mural has been there for a good number of years. Once in a while some fool comes and tags on or around it (as you can see) this tagger did not make this, someone with the tact not to throw thier moniker up with no artistic merrit whatsoever DID. It has been over ten years to my knowledge.
this photo was taken by catherine perejil
Bravo to the property owners and city for letting it be. Curses to you fools who think you name belongs on others property and art!
This image was added to our database on February 5, 2007, and the image's information was last updated 18 years ago. angaym k oss is responsible for keeping this image's information up to date. This page has been viewed 1421 time(s).
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