burque.info home - new mexico's premier music site (albuquerque, santa fe, las cruces, farmington and the greater new mexico area)
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End of Life
When: 14 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: add a comment

This site is EOL. The info here will remain here for posterity. Logins are disabled. Emails and contact are disabled.

For more info, contact me at [efesar.com]

I miss all my friends, and I miss the days of yonder. It was great and I wish you all well in your life pursuits.
Server Move Update
When: 17 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: add a comment

The site is now transferred to the new server, including all the songs. I'm getting feedback that it's much speedier.

I also want to let you know that the "Upload" feature is still down. Well, to be precise, you can upload your song, it just won't get encoded. I'm sorry about that, but I'm working on a solution.

Thanks for all your feedback.
Server Move
When: 17 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: 2

I am moving the website. I have about 10 gigabytes of audio to move, so uploading and listening to songs will be down temporarily.

Thanks for your patience. If anything is broken, let me know. Please don't use the "report bug" feature -- email me, contact me through the site, or use the "contact us" feature under "help."
Server Move
When: 17 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: add a comment

Hey folks -- I moved the server. Barely noticed, right? Hopefully the glitches will be gone, and my life will be easier, too. Let me know if you notice anything weird right away!
Site Problems
When: 17 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: 3

I guess nobody looks at the song charts? They have been the same for 3 months. Well, I fixed them. Sorry. I would have fixed them if I had known they were fucked up. For shame!

The site's been flaky. I will move to a new server next week, so with any luck things will speed up and be more stable. Sorry about that, too.

Feel free to let me know when things are broken ... I rely on user feedback to know when the site doesn't work properly. Thanks.
Search Box
When: 18 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: add a comment

I added a search box. Let me know if it's interfering with your display. Feedback is always welcome.

If it looks weird, just reload the page.

Also, since Google is doing the searches, some "newer" stuff won't be in the search database because Google doesn't hit this site up every day.
Messageboard Tweaks
When: 18 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: 3

I made a slight tweak to the messageboard because I noticed that a few topics were extraordinarily long (like [burque.info: news, bands, clubs and events for albuquerque and new mexico] ).

1. I added a "page" feature. Only 10 messages will be shown on every page.

2. I also added a feature to remember what page you were on when you last read the topic. That way, you don't have to scroll down or choose the last page. As long as you are logged in, the website will remember this setting.

Feedback, bugs, godlike praise, as always, is welcome. Please don't use the bug feature. It's buggy. Just post a comment here.
Power Outage
When: 18 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: add a comment

I'm sure many of you noticed the 60MPH gusts of wind last night. Well, it knocked out my power for about 6 hours ... The good news is that the server started back up again! Thanks for your patience.
Technical Glitches
When: 18 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: 1

I want to apologize for the technical glitches with the site lately. My neighbors trimmed their trees a couple of days ago and nicked the DSL line. Today Qwest came out and spent 6 hours repairing it. The good news is that everything seems to be up and running now. Thanks for your patience!
3 million hits & MP3 Quality Re-Encode
When: 19 years agoWhat: Web Site
Who: efesarComments: 2

Heidi ho, neighbors. We just passed 3 million hits on this website. Yay!

In other news ...

I'm re-encoding the MP3s (all of them) in 32k, 64k and 128k -- to go back to higher quality MP3s. I was using a fast but craptastic encoder for a while, and I haven't been happy with the sound. So now it's back to slow and beautiful.

It will take about 2-3 more days to encode all the songs, so if you uploaded something, you won't hear it until then. I apologize for that... But it will be well worth it, I assure you!

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