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Open electro audiovisual jam sunday Dec. 9th @ Hunab Hookah
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: botkillerComments: 2

[events01819.php @ burque.info in /]

Autopoesis and brian botkiller will be hosting an open electro jam @ Hunab Hookah this coming Sunday Dec. 9th. $3 at the door, 9pm, with performances by AutoP and botkiller, followed by an open electro and Visuals jam. Bring your instrument that outputs to 1/4" (or even not), or your Visual instrument that outputs to video out. Plug in and rock. Make something new.
City of ABQ opening new youth warehouse/all ages venue
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: botkillerComments: add a comment

The city of ABQ has purchased the old Icehouse space at the end of first street downtown, and wants locals to put in their thoughts on how to make it a viable youth warehouse, arts and music space for all ages. if you want a new scene, this is your start. Show up to make some shit happen.

More info here:

[burque.info: news, bands, clubs and events for albuquerque and new mexico]
The Eight Annual Santa Fe Film Festival
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: PRYComments: add a comment

The Eighth Annual Santa Fe Film Festival will take place Wednesday November 28 - Sunday December 2, 2007.
Tickets and PASSES ON SALE NOW!!!! Call 989 1495
$300 Films Only and $450 All Festival
Tickets are $10 individual or $75 for a ten pack and are on sale now at 519 Cerrillos Road, across from our host hotel The Hotel Santa Fe.

Pre Order your tickets now! Some movies will are already sold out and others are reserved for purchasing the night of the festival. The Box Office Is Closed Thanksgiving but Friday Will be open now.

For any more info head to:
[The Santa Fe Film Festival | Cinema Different]
Show Your Support for Medical Marijuana Patients!
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: angaym k ossComments: add a comment

Now is the chance to show your support for New Mexico’s important new medical marijuana program! This program alleviates the suffering of critically ill New Mexicans for whom currently available medications are not effective.

On Monday, October 1, the Department of Health is holding a public hearing on the state's new Medical Cannabis Program's rules and regulations (pdf). During the hearing, the Department of Health will accept feedback and comments on the regulations for the patient identification card system (pdf) and the rules for the Medical Advisory Board (pdf) overseeing the program.

What: Medical Cannabis Program Rules and Regulations Public Hearing
When: Monday, October 1, 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Where: Harold Runnels Building Auditorium, 1190 St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe

Opponents of the law will be out in full force, so it's critical that we make our voices heard. Please plan on joining us and attending this hearing - let's have a huge presence!

Public comment will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis until 2:30PM. We encourage everyone to arrive early to provide their feedback and comments!

The Department of Health will accept both written and verbal comment on the regulations. The deadline to provide written comments is Friday, September 28. You can mail your written comments to the Department of Health at the following address, or you can email your written comments to Brian Royer at [brian.royer@state.nm.us].

Mailing Address:

Brian R. Royer
New Mexico Department of Health, Division of Health Improvement
P.O. Box 26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502-6110

Feel free to share your own personal story or experience, but below are some talking points that you can also use when providing written or verbal testimony for the hearing:

* Patients deserve a safe and secure supply of medical cannabis. I encourage the Department of Health to fully implement the law, and develop a production and distribution system so patients can legally access their medicine. Many patients do not have access to medical marijuana without a state-licensed distribution system.
* I support the medical marijuana law in New Mexico and I would like to thank the Department of Health for implementing the Medical Cannabis Program.
* This is a well-designed program, with the necessary safeguards, to provide relief for individuals struggling from debilitating medical conditions.
* I encourage the department to keep this a medical program with limited interference by law enforcement agencies. I also would like to see the department provide patients with more specific information on their legal rights under both state and federal law, especially after the Pecos Valley Drug Task Force raided the home of Mr. Leonard French in southeastern New Mexico.

This is your chance to let the Department of Health know how important the medical marijuana program is for the seriously ill and dying in New Mexico and to insure the best possible program is implemented. I hope to see you all there!

Reena Szczepanski
Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico
High Mayhem Festival this weekend
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: angaym k ossComments: 1

High Mayhem 7th Annual
Emerging Music and Arts Festival

Friday, September 21 6 pm- 2 am
Saturday, September 22 3 pm - 2 am
Sunday, September 23 3 pm - 1 am

AT: Wise Fool at 2778 Agua Fria, Santa Fe

Three Day passes are $30 - 50 sliding scale. Single Day passes are $15.
Student Single Day passes are $10

Really cool looking three day passes are available at [store, @ www.highmayhem.org in /] The Candyman, and The Center for Contemporary Arts. AND, they are transferable - get yours now!

Unlike any other music festival, High Mayhem is bringing you 29 local and national experimental and emerging artists to perform September 21, 22, and 23 at the 7th Annual High Mayhem Emerging Music and Arts Festival in Santa Fe, NM. The festival includes a wide range of music, video arts, and performing arts. All ages are welcome!

Produced by all-volunteer, non-profit organization, High Mayhem, at the Wise Fool Performance Space in Santa Fe, NM, the festival features live improvisations that combine sound, vision, and movement. Every act will be recorded, photographed, and videotaped for archiving and distribution. The multitude of amazing acts will perform both in and outside the Wise Fool Performance Space, and Bikanda Space including musicians, performance artists, and thrown-image artists, many of them in combination. High Mayhem's crew of Audio and Visual technicians will spend the week prior to the festival outfitting Wise Fool with multi-track recording gear, computers, cameras and broadcast systems which will effectively turn the venue into several soundstages.

for additional information;

[performers.htm @ www.highmayhem.org in /festivals/2007]

The following is the project i will be performing with on sunday- i hope to see a bunch of you at this amazing event!!!

Venerable Scroat (Albuquerque) – acoustic drums, analog feedback. The Venerable Scroat consists of Saul Rodgar (from Summon the Meteors), Ken Cornell (from Alchemical Burn) and Peter Conheim (from Negativland and Mono Pause). A trio which formed on May Day 2007, the group combines acoustic drums and tone triggers with analog feedback devices as constructed by the band members. No computers, no samplers. Cornell plays mixers wired in series for maximum feedback potential; Conheim plays “boopers” (feedback oscillators handmade with Negativland member The Weatherman). Anchored by Saul Rodgar’s spastic yet controlled percussion, the group improvises fields of cascading and rhythmic tonalities in a nearly all-analog domain.
AlchemicalBurn-NanoElement cassette
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: angaym k ossComments: add a comment

It is finally here. The cassette split between Alchemical Burn and Nano Element. Some fine harsh noise and some of the most spaced out ambient electro this side of the mushroom clouds. Seriously the first offering from Nano Element on side b is an unexpected journey/story into the lushest dreamlands.

alchemical burn
nano element

This release is a combined effort of Ab, Unnatural Element, and Nano Crack. The featured players include; angaym k oss, v0sh, sindrone, raven chacon, and alan george ledergerber. We hope all you audiophiles have your deck ready to roll and pick up a copy on this site or at the Sick Sick Sick release show Sepetember 7th.

[ @ www.sicksicksickdistro.tk in ]

Alchemical Burn/Nano Element - split(c-20)

A 20 minute cassette, featuring the main project of on A side + a
mish-mash of side projects on the other, all steming, in way or
another, from the mixer of Ken Cornell. "Songs" range from the harsh
to the Technotronic, if one can get away saying so, without conjuring
prejudice. If you know this man's music, it is never the same.
Like a soundman pissed at his boss. It all can't be burned to tape.


images: Ab-NeCassSplt
Alien theme park slated for Roswell
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: angaym k ossComments: 1

By TIM KORTE, Associated Press Writer

Businesses here have been cashing in on the UFO craze for years — paintings and replicas of UFOs and space aliens adorn downtown buildings, and even the McDonald's and Wal-Mart are UFO- and space-themed.
Now city officials want to take it to another level with a UFO-themed amusement park, complete with an indoor roller coaster that would take passengers on a simulated alien abduction.
"Nobody will be harmed and everybody will be returned, hopefully, in the same shape," concept designer Bryan Temmer said Friday.
The park, dubbed Alien Apex Resort, could open as early as 2010. The city has received a $245,000 legislative appropriation for initial planning, but the park would be privately built and managed. Requests for proposals will be advertised next month.
The proposed park initially will cover 60 to 80 acres with room to expand to 150 acres. It will feature other rides and attractions, including an exhibit hall with information on scientific exploration of the universe.
"It's not just about the Roswell Incident and did it happen," said Temmer, of Land O' Lakes, Fla.
The Roswell Incident, of course, has brought the southeastern New Mexico city worldwide acclaim. It centers on a purported UFO crash on a nearby ranch in July 1947, which the military later claimed was a top-secret weather balloon.
Temmer, who describes himself as a fan of theme parks and science fiction, pitched the concept to city leaders two years ago. "I knew there was only one place on the planet, probably in the universe, where this idea would work," he said.
City Planner Zach Montgomery said the project will cost "several hundred millions of dollars," but a more accurate figure hasn't been determined. A roller coaster similar to the one Temmer proposed is under construction at another theme park for almost $100 million, Montgomery said.
Montgomery said the city is considering six potential sites but declined to identify them, other than to say each is within city limits or could be annexed. He also wouldn't name potential operators, but said at least four major corporations approached about the idea are excited.
Some business owners believe the theme park is necessary to keep tourists returning.
Sharon Welz is a co-owner of the Roswell Space Center, a T-shirt and souvenir shop just off Main Street. She said visitors often complain they'd like to see and do more during trips to the town of about 50,000 people.
"We would welcome something like an alien roller coaster or a theme park, absolutely," she said. "How can it hurt us?"
Montgomery agrees, saying the top complaint by tourists during the city's annual UFO festival each summer is that there's not enough to do.
The town's biggest tourism attraction is the International UFO Museum and Research Center, which has drawn 2.5 million visitors since opening in 1992. Beyond that, it's largely boutiques like the one run by Welz.
"We're still in the infancy of our UFO-related economic development," Montgomery said. "Eventually, when people come to Roswell they're not going to have enough time to do everything they want to do. That's our goal."
1 for the environment!
When: 17 years agoWhat: General
Who: angaym k ossComments: add a comment

Stricter emission limits get a boost
EPA has regulatory power over greenhouse gases, Supreme Court ruling says

By Joan Biskupic

WASHINGTON — A Supreme Court ruling Monday that the Environmental Protection Agency can regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases galvanized groups that have long sought to limit emissions from new cars and trucks.

The 5-4 decision in the court's first-ever case on global warming forces the EPA to re-evaluate whether its regulation of tailpipe emissions should also include carbon dioxide. It also adds momentum to congressional and state efforts to address climate change.

The opinion could ultimately affect whether automakers are required to build higher-mileage vehicles that emit less carbon dioxide. In rejecting Bush administration arguments, the court emphasized the link between increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising temperatures.

"This decision puts the wind at our back," says Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. She said the panel will work toward comprehensive legislation to reduce heat-trapping gases as it pushes for EPA regulation. She says she will call EPA officials before the committee this month.

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers said it also will turn to Congress. "There needs to be a national, federal, economy-wide approach to addressing greenhouse gases," said Dave McCurdy, president of the alliance.

The decision, written by liberal Justice John Paul Stevens and secured by a key fifth vote from moderate conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy, said "the harms associated with climate change are serious and well recognized," including the loss of coastal land to rising sea levels.

"Today's ruling is a watershed moment in the fight against global warming," said Carl Pope of the Sierra Club, which was among the groups that joined 12 states challenging the EPA.

The case began when California, which has adopted the nation's toughest emissions standards, Massachusetts and 10 other states claimed the EPA had abdicated its responsibility under the Clean Air Act to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The EPA said it lacked such authority under the act and asserted that, even if it had such power, it would not use it because of domestic and foreign policy concerns.

The court said the EPA must give scientific grounds, not policy or political reasons. "The EPA has offered no reasoned explanation for its refusal to decide whether greenhouse gases cause or contribute to climate change," Stevens wrote.

Dissenting were Chief Justice John Roberts and Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. They said the states lacked "standing" to sue because they failed to show they would be harmed by the EPA's policy on emissions. Roberts said the majority "ignores the complexities of global warming."

EPA officials were reviewing the ruling.
SB-Films' new Film auditioning soon!
When: 18 years agoWhat: General
Who: SCGComments: add a comment

Hello all. Just wanted to announce here for any possible actor-types that SB-Films new feature, a campy superhero comedy called DEFECTIVE MAN!, will be holding open auditions on JANUARY 11th at the GUILD CINEMA (3405 Central) from 9am to 2pm. For more information, including a list of characters we're looking tocast for, check out our website: [ @ www.sb-films.com in ]

Eventually we'll also be looking for music for the soundtrack, so any musicians interested in putting their music on a low-budget campy comedy, let us know!

BiaXial Creep
When: 18 years agoWhat: General
Who: morphComments: add a comment

events: BiaXial Creep BiaXial Creep will be playing live this Friday the 13th. It is fabulous glitch-core, house electronic music. There will be live digital video manipulation and KILLER electronic music. If you like electronic, industrial, glitch, noise, whatever, you should check this out. Swante (BiaXial Creep) is from Albuquerque but now lives in Seattle, so it would be great if we could show him some love and let him see the support that Albuquerque has to offer.

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