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reflection [burque luv three]
This track can be found on Burque Luv 3.
 burque luv volume three burque luv volume three
Digital/Electronic [Compilation]
circa 2001
This song was added to our database on July 18, 2005, and the song's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 5659 time(s).

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This b-side found its way into rotation by request of several influential people. In the same sort of ambient tech genre as Disregard, The Cradle (instagib), Doppelganger, and a few other seldom heard b-sides, this track is the reconstruction of emotion, realizing how important some things are. Rather than seeing myself in a pool of water, I am reflecting upon the past, and how the current state of love enunciated my emotions of the time. Though melencholy, a feeling of bouncey waterlike euphoria guides through - delivering the belly rumbling bass that is deliverance.
v0sh: sequencing, programming, mixing

Kay: remastering
1999-2005 Fear Studios
July 31st, 2001
1 comment(s)
thanks, K, for showing me how i can express things in such a way. this track, and others of the time are a "reflection" of how i learned to be myself, instead of proving myself. (by v0sh 19 years ago)
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