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zekit [burque luv three]
 burque luv volume three burque luv volume three
Digital/Electronic [Compilation]
circa 2001
This song was added to our database on July 18, 2005, and the song's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 4952 time(s).

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[burque luv three]
released on (stat) = rdr.014.cd
Inerex: (stat) : rdr.014.cd "Crossing, blurring, and seeing through the lines between techno and electronic experimentalism, Inerex is one Carlos Archuleta, prepping our bare ears for the future of sound with atonal beats and abrupt dark fun. This is hardly a dance disc, there is even a bit of (dare I say it) goth in the opening Zekit. The dialing combination of jittery symphonics are percussive and abstract. Having worked in the fields of theater, film and performance art there is a certain aesthetic to these manufactured glitches and tonal play. This disc sounds like a warm-up before a rave as though he is working out some minor anxieties to a free beat. Each track has its own signature, its own confluence of ready ideas. There is a bit of smartness to this CD, riddled with a fever for the flavor of metal in its deconstruction. There are the expected beats, but its almost offhanded and served before ripe. At almost 75 minutes, this debut from Inerex has some potential to breed beyond its brain next time. This is the spawn of bands like Goem and Farmers Manual. Keep your hands in your pockets where I can’t see ‘em! " -TJ Norris (grooves mag, vital weekly, capital magazine) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rhythmic percolations stutter under the drifting ephemera of zekit. Sub-bass pulsations wriggle animatedly (or occasionally lock into flatline drones) through nome while translucent streams hover above, adorned with microscopic timekeeping. Thumpier e-percussion dominates nete as nothing else shows up to play but eventual thrums and bleeps. Test your woofers (and your neighbors' patience) with the everpulsing low-low blurts and comparatively fainter beats of klikenbace. Off-kilter glassy tinkles add a difference to the rhythm/vibrations of atda.ball. Nicely hypnotic sequences of sputters and muted crashes perk throughout lee-p's spacious void of ethereal weirdness. Billowing clouds of bass grumble into a001 (7:08) where stratified wisps linger and sheen in a prolonged panorama of beat-free darkness. Tracks 14 - 19 are communally entitled additional.audio and include snippets ranging from aggressively deep blares to sizzling static to caustic rhythms to a final sign-off blip (0:04). While the similarly-formulated tracks may begin to sound a bit samey, if you're into gloomily syncopated murk, that's a good thing! 66 minutes of beat-stippled drear imbue (stat) with danceable shadows courtesy of Inerex ' exploratory (and convention-damning) nature. Not for everyone, but a solid B for doing what it does well." -David J Opdyke, 05.07.02, ambientrance e-zine([ @ www.ambientrance.org) in ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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July 18th, 2001
1 comment(s)
one of the alltime favs from one of my biggest local influences (by v0sh 19 years ago)
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