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The Blacklight Zebras.
This song was added to our database on September 9, 2006, and the song's information was last updated 16 years ago. zebra is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 6109 time(s).

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6m 39s 9.1MB 192Kbps

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2006. probably the best track i have ever written. all around. my best mixing and playing definitely. if i was locked in a room for hours a day tweaking synths and logic this is what i would write. the moai bass lead idea i started doing all the way back on ultraviolet pilot comes full circle in my playing on this track merging with the new psytrance influence. oddly though, this still is not a psytrance track. it has rave elements, psy, and more laid back trance and psychedelic rhythm in the main riff. and the second part that comes in is more industrial arp. robin the hood and givin' to the floor! virus, LE7, coffee, bushmills.
blacklight zebras 2006
August 1st, 2006
1 comment(s)
I love this song. very underworld, which I can get down on. great beat, very nice buildup. (by botkiller 18 years ago)
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