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Dream Sequence
The Blacklight Zebras.
This song was added to our database on November 12, 2007, and the song's information was last updated 17 years ago. zebra is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 3131 time(s).

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Unfinished. Scraps from 2006. An unfinished idea. but i always loved this riff, and it is technically one of my best. just thought it might be some inspiration to someone else. feed the machine. some day ill get some ritalin, and quit my pidlin'.
r. cook
blacklight zebras 2007
November 12th, 2007
5 comment(s)
That's some bad ass synth-work! Reminds me of some old NES RPG game or Mega Man. Excellent breaks as well. I love the pads you've used on this! (by daden242 17 years ago)
hell ya...made me dance in my pants (by Munkee 17 years ago)
killa!!!!! (by AudioBuddha 17 years ago)
I like it. Trance, dance, nice. (by efesar 17 years ago)
yeh, thanks, dude i nded that! (by v0sh 17 years ago)
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