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This song was added to our database on October 24, 2002, and the song's information was last updated 22 years ago. Illyria is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 7179 time(s).

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6m 2s 6.9MB 160Kbps

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I feel this song is an accurate representation of the colors that permeate my life. It is the most unified musical composition I have ever created, and incorporates elements of trance, industrial, hip-hop, and abstraction. There is something beneath the surface of electronic music, a desire to break free of the limitations inherent in digital media. This song attempts to bring analog 'noise' back into a context of perfection, something I feel is vastly important in this age of discrete continuity.
Joshua Arnold
October 24th, 2002
1 comment(s)
ive missed this one and have reintroduced this as a very focused segue between electro and ambience... where did yu go? (by v0sh 19 years ago)
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