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suffering daisy
Industrial Electronic
[Welcome to Fear Studios]
 the somnambulists dream the somnambulists dream
Digital/Electronic [LP]
circa 2006
This song was added to our database on March 29, 2006, and the song's information was last updated 18 years ago. efesar is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 7507 time(s).

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3m 45s 6.5MB 242Kbps

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this preview is the 128Kbps version - buy "the somnambulist's dream" to own the high resolution album version
written and performed by efesar. backing vocals by v0sh.
© and (p) copyrights 1993-2006 by efesar
she never had a chance to write a note
that really spoke her mind
she tried but she felt:
there was nothing inside

and she cried all the time
and when nobody heard,
it was like she was alone --
well, maybe she was

she never spoke her mind
and we all thought she was fine
she came to believe,
"this is what happens to people like me"

nobody knew
nobody knew
nobody knew

she won't pick up the phone
she won't pick up the phone
she won't pick up the phone
she won't pick up the motherfucking phone

suffering daisy you're all fucked up
suffering daisy is all fucked up
suffering daisy they fucked her up
suffering daisy they fucked you up

she won't come to the door now
she won't come to the window
she won't come to the door
she won't come to her motherfucking mind

suffering daisy you're all fucked up
suffering daisy is all fucked up
suffering daisy they fucked her up
suffering daisy they fucked you up

all she wants to do
is live her life in a box
when she calls the world
she calls it rape now

she found some pills
but she doesn't want to fuck this up
maybe if she gets a rope
she can tie it to a branch
and let all the fuckers see her hang
with shame in their eyes
then they can finally feel her pain

she doesn't want to die with pain
she doesn't want to live with pain

she won't pick up the phone
she won't pick up the phone
she won't pick up the phone
she won't pick up the motherfucking phone

suffering daisy you're all fucked up
suffering daisy is all fucked up
suffering daisy they fucked her up
suffering daisy they fucked you up

she won't come to the door now
she won't come to the window
she won't come to the door
she won't come to her motherfucking mind

suffering daisy you're all fucked up
suffering daisy is all fucked up
suffering daisy they fucked her up
suffering daisy they fucked you up
January 4th, 2002
3 comment(s)
i really, REALLY like this track... very angry... (by SCG 18 years ago)
i really miss this.. (by v0sh 19 years ago)
mmm we're awl fucked up (by v0sh 19 years ago)
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