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[Welcome to Fear Studios]
 the somnambulists dream the somnambulists dream
Digital/Electronic [LP]
circa 2006
This song was added to our database on March 11, 2004, and the song's information was last updated 18 years ago. efesar is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 8949 time(s).

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dancing, touching, kissing, dreaming of the world of you and me
written and performed by efesar, with v0sh on toms and ge0ff on guitars.
© copyright 1993-2005 by efesar
so i walk through everyday
and i see you
hair flying in the wind
cold showers raining from the sky
it finally came to me
(a motherfucking) epiphany

i see your eyes as beacons
a fire burns this darkness
feel my hands as water
discover ecstacy in you
you finally came to me
(a motherfucking) epiphany

(dancing) touching kissing
dreaming of the world of you and me
(dancing) touching kissing
dreaming of the world of you and me
March 22nd, 2003
6 comment(s)
I loved this song from the first time i listened to it.
The gutar mixed with the synth and the toms made me wonder why this song isnt famus lol.
The echoing vocals gave this song such a feeling that i cant discribe it.
I really do wish i had stumbled upon your music earlier.
(by special21 19 years ago)
no way man, me ... 5?? or something... the vocal production is so amazing on this track. another great from efesar. (by botkiller 19 years ago)
Me Most (by BluePriest 20 years ago)
me 3 (by Munkee 20 years ago)
me 2 (by efesar 20 years ago)
I fucking love this track. (by c0ldfire 20 years ago)
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