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The Blacklight Zebras.
This song was added to our database on January 1, 2008, and the song's information was last updated 17 years ago. zebra is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 3656 time(s).

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for a few years there i always thought this was my best track. performed it at pulse for the burque luv cd release party and i think thats one of the highlights of my musical career, hundreds of kids goin nuts, and iz freakin out gettin down. whew* this one came from the same batch as animal, same time frame and method. you can hear the fruity c_kick, threw down a bassline and the rest is pretty much just jammin'. cool edit pro. not much editing really or mastering. no sequencing. all live keys. korg ms2000.
2003 blacklight zebras
December 5th, 2003
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