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Neon Blue
This song was added to our database on January 18, 2004, and the song's information was last updated 21 years ago. greatfox is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 4996 time(s).

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7m 57s 9.1MB 160Kbps

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This one is a spoken word story told over a soundscape. It is quite erotic, demented and deviant. Listen at your own risk.
Todd Guilmette - everything
2003 by Todd Guilmette
see my website for the whole story.
December 29th, 2003
6 comment(s)
naw, man.. more lucid than whats around us... (by v0sh 19 years ago)
crazy shit man ! (by zebra 19 years ago)
yep i love the dichotomy between the ballsy ass voice and the story topic. it flies in the face of stereotypes. and yes i did have more than a little burroughs in mind when i wrote it last year. (by greatfox 21 years ago)
i love that in this wonderfully perverse little story your voice sounds like it would not be out of place on a superhero cartoon... rod mckuen-william s. burroughs are fuckin in this space time continuum. (by angaym k oss 21 years ago)
hEdcEll splittin shite, eh? (by v0sh 21 years ago)
mmm you kidz shood hear the lyrics, sik ol shit... greatfox.com (by v0sh 21 years ago)
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