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disregard [instrumental] [burque luv two]
This is the instrumental version of this track:

there is a Stillbirth version, and demo lyrical version floating around... perhaps one or both will be posted eventually.

This instrumental appears on Burque Luv 2.
 burque luv volume two burque luv volume two
Digital/Electronic [Compilation]
circa 2001
This song was added to our database on July 13, 2005, and the song's information was last updated 19 years ago. burque.info is responsible for keeping this song's information up to date. This page has been viewed 8079 time(s).

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This track was the second in a series that ended up being the end of Thanatophobia - An atmospheric, but melencholy divergence from the original Than mode. consumeobeybreed was soon to follow from this track, as the one before it (instagib/the cradle), and the two after (doppelganger & blame). There are other recorded tracks that flow to this denomination, such as Reflection, that are more b-side. This instrumental is finally dealing with, and getting over the first real love of my life. Though taking place after meeting my life partner, I never gave myself the chance to finalize or close the true feeling behind the first. It's not happy.
v0sh: sequencing, programming, mixing

Kay: remastering
1999-2005 Fear Studios
April 1st, 2001
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