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RZR CD #1 - Come be a part of it!  
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20 message(s)
started Thursday December 15, 2005
last updated 19 years ago
SCG Reply to this topic Quote this message
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Posted Thursday December 15, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25351)
Hello all. So, as you may have read in the other post, I have created ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS. We are trying to put togther a CD Compilation. Here's the deal: we don't discriminate based on genre, good music is good music. So whatever type of music you make, you are welcome to submit! Our plan on this CD is:

Hoping to get around 15 bands/artists that are interested in being on a real, glass-bottom (not CDr) CD with upc code, sound scan, etc. These CDs will be distributed through Amazon.com and other online reatilers, as well as here in ABQ at any stores that will allow us! How to be a part of it?

submit some music. that's the first step. Once we get some music from you that we like, we move on to step 2:

pay some money. I know that sucks, I wish it didn't have to be that way, and hopefully future comps will not require step 2... but for now, pay some money. Depending on how many bands we get in on this, we think the price will be $50 per band/artist. BUT, you get something for your money...

for your (approx.) $50, you will get: at least 10 copies of the CD. Sell them for $10 each and you've doubled your investment!
Also, (this is the cool part), for your $50, we will make a music video for you. THat's right, included in your $50 is a MUSIC VIDEO. That you can do whatever you want with. We will work with your band/project to design a video for your featured track. We can do a live video, or something really trippy and avant-garde, or somewhere in-between. Your choice. These videos will be created by D. Ryan Mowry (look me up on the imdb), or Elisa Martin (also on imdb) or Arthur Black (aka WURM), or a combination of us. For some examples of my (Ryan's) work, check out [videos.html @ www.sb-films.com in /] these videos are reduced quality for people with slower connections, so when we make one for you know it'll be crisp and clean.

So, $50 gets you a.) on a real, non-CDr cd b.)minimum 10 copies of said CD, and c.)a music video

who's interested? drop me a line: [ryan@sb-films.com]
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]
SCG Reply to this topic Quote this message
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Posted Thursday December 15, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25352)
by the way, i just posted a video for WURM's Dark Geometry...
[video-wurm.html @ www.sb-films.com in /]
as an example... this one's a bit higher quality than th others, so it may take a bit longer to load...
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]
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Posted Friday December 16, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25369)
Sounds interesting. What styles of music are you looking for? I realize you said good music is good music ... but it would help me narrow down my submission if I had an idea of what songs out of my collection to submit.
band: efesar "underwater, darkness is as bright as daylights comes."
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Posted Saturday December 17, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25372)
hey ryan, i cant get the vids to load. im using safari.. guess ill try using nutscrape.
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Posted Sunday December 18, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25379)
efesar said:

Sounds interesting. What notallowed_styles of music are you looking for? I realize you said good music is good music ... but it would help me narrow down my submissinotallowed_on if I had an idea of what songs out of my collection to submit.

We really are open to ANY style. Me personally, I'm not big on country or opera or really basic huse/trace/techno type stuff. anything interesting, complex, ambient, experimental, straight forward, hell, really good music is good music. here's what I really, REALLY like for some examples:
DJ Shadow, Aphex Twin, Pink Floyd, Tool, Soul Coughing, Del tha Funky Homosapien, Atmosphere, Autechre, Pharcyde, Dan the Automator (Deltron 3030, Gorillaz, etc.) Hieroglyphics, Primus, Sigur Ros, Bjork, Deftones, so much!

So really, if you want send a relly mixed up mix of stuff! I hop this didn't make your decision HARDER!

zebra said:

hey ryan, i cant get the vids to load. im using safari.. guess ill try using nutscrape.

not sure why they don't work... i think you should be able to see the wurm video on WURM's myspace page: [WURM (wurmidm) on Myspace]
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]
SCG Reply to this topic Quote this message
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Posted Sunday December 18, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25380)
SCG said:

I'm not big on country or opera or really basic huse/trace/techno type stuff.

What I meant was "really basic house/trance/techno"
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]
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Posted Monday December 19, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25393)
efesar said:

Sounds interesting. What styles of music are you looking for? I realize you said good music is good music ... but it would help me narrow down my submission if I had an idea of what songs out of my collection to submit.

you can do no wrong in sub, man..
-stop the boat.
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Posted Tuesday December 20, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25402)
yes! submit!!! submit!!!! mwha ha ha ha ha ha....

sorry. power goes to my head sometimes. really, though, please anyone interested get in touch with me asap!
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]
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Posted Tuesday December 20, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25408)
yes, that'll work. let me know which are you fav.s and I'll have a listen!
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]
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Posted Tuesday December 20, 2005 - 19 years ago (#25409)
how did my response to your query go above the question? weird.
ROTTEN ZOMBIE RECORDS is here to EAT YOUR BRAINS! Check us out: [rottenzombierecords @ www.myspace.com in /]

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